Our values

Teamwork, dedication, respect for people.
Holistic, straightforward, unconventional approach.

Our Values

Milano Capital commits to the highest professional standards, embodied in the following values:


• Integrity. We know that the only way to earn trust is to deserve it.
• Confidentiality. Breaching a confidence is unthinkable.
• Truth. We seek and speak the naked truth.

Holistic, straightforward, unconventional approach.

• 360° Perspective. Operations and finance; customers and competition; people and society.
• Simplicity. Simple solutions, simple agreements, simple language.
• Unconventionality. We are independent thinkers valuing novel solutions.

Teamwork, dedication, respect for people.

• Teamwork. We believe that a team effort produces the best results.
• Dedication. Our achievements are the result of our perseverance.
• Respect for people. We treat others as we would like to be treated.